Friday, October 24, 2008

UPDATE: Blood pressure 140/95...gurgle

Ooh, I smell desperation. There is a story circulating ye old internet right now about a girl that was mugged, beaten, and then scarred as her attacker (guess what a young, black man!) carved a B into her face. Supposedly, this started as a simple ATM robbery. When the alleged assailant saw her McCain sticker, he decided to teach her a lesson and make her a Barack Obama supporter.

Here’s the picture of the alleged victim.

Hmmm. Uh, why is the B backwards? If someone were holding her down and carving (more like scratching) a letter into her face, wouldn’t he write it forward?

Anyone seen Mean Girls? There’s a scene where Karen (the super dumb one) is staring in the mirror putting rhinestones on her chest for prom. In the mirror, it looks like a perfect K, but when she turns around, the K is backwards. Now, I am not going to write this off completely, but hell, even the Pittsburgh police department is listing this as an unsubstantiated case. I think this very stupid girl decided to try to drum up some publicity for John McCain while, at the same time, using the classic crime deflection tactic of blaming a black man. She scratched this into her face looking in the mirror, all the while thinking how clever she is.

Let’s examine what we know so far.

She claims the robbery happened when she went to take money out of the ATM. ATM security footage shows no attack. (This lady needs to watch more CSI or possibly Murder by Numbers with Sandra Bullock. ATM footage plays heavily into that film).

She refused medical attention.

Her reports to police are inconsistent. In her second interview, she claimed she was sexually assaulted. She neglected to say that in her first interview.

A knife would have done way more damage or at least broken the skin.


Hilarious that this comes on the heel of John Murtha catching hell for saying Western Pennsylvania is still undeniably racist. Way to prove him right.


Yeah, the bitch made it up. Now, of course, it is because of her mental illness. CNN has yet to put this up on the front page. Bastards. I hope they throw the book at this girl.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ignorance is bliss

Although I love school, education does take the magic out of things. I’m working on a paper for my sex and gender class, about gender construction in film. One of the articles I am reading stated: “Popular films such as Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles presented girls as neoconservative adolescents perpetuating images of Daddy’s girl.” I was forced, after reading that, to really think about Samantha Baker and the silliness of placing all your hopes and dreams on a boy. During that movie, no girl succeeded at anything but securing a man (except for Joan Cusack who succeeded in drinking water). Before I went to college, I didn’t really think of things as they related to a post-feminist metaphor. Some days, I just really want Jake Ryan to show up in his Porsche, mouth “yeah you,” and throw me a private birthday party while strains of the Thompson Twins play in the background.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Because he refused to put the top back on the mustard jar

Apathy is the new polyester. Ennui is the new smoking. Willful belly button-pickin' ignorance of world events, environmental issues, energy policy is no longer considered cute and obvious and painfully American. Can you imagine?

Yes, Mark Morford, I can, and I am ecstatic. I'm tired of willful ignorance.

Not if you're going to insult me

I'm not much of a farmer. Last year we managed basil, zucchini, and pumpkin. Amidst all the great depression talk of the recent days, I wonder if next year we have to grow a garden out of necessity. If I have to survive off my green thumb, I am worried for the future.

It is very strange. I should probably stock up on fabric and thread so I can make my own clothes next year. I'd really like to get a pattern for the FLDS dresses.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Robber Barrons

At Beth and Ann's send off a few weeks ago (Labor day gasp!), we (Leslie, Erica, Ann, Ann's friend Christy? and I) were discussing atheism and charity, lamenting that a good-hearted atheist didn't have many options for donating money that wasn't directly linked to a religious organization. We, the good-hearted atheists, want to help, we do, but we don't want our charity or volunteer hours tied to a ideological system that works against many of the things we believe it. It is hard to decide when and how to disclose that you're an atheist to someone. Most people seem shocked when I tell them I am an atheist, inspecting me closer like they will find a tail or the mark of the beast. Note to crazies: I can't worship Satan (God's first fallen Angel) without believing in God.

We moved to the subject of new Atheist churches springing up in urban centers across the country, including one here in Denver. We want a sense of community and a place to turn in times of crisis. We want a place to channel our resources to build something bigger than ourselves. We may even want to attend church picnics or raffles and have a place to take our kids after school. We are moral, decent people who want to be around other moral, decent people, but we don't want that tied to religious doctrine. We do right because we should, not because we believe our reward is in heaven.

I'm reading an NYTimes article about the new golden age of philanthropy. Interesting line - Put them together with Andrew Carnegie, famous for his freethinking, and three of the four greatest American philanthropists have been atheists or agnostics. (The exception is John D. Rockefeller.)

Check that out. Go atheists.

Friday, October 03, 2008

It doesn't take a nucular scientist to pronounce foilage.

Apparently Webster's has caved and added the Palin/Bush pronunciation of nuclear to their website. I am shocked and appalled.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Do you ever think anything you don't say?

Seriously, do you?

Anyhow, in more pressing news, I answered a call today from a former employer (a former library employer). The call was from a guy who once turned me down for a technical position saying the job in question wasn't entry level, implying that my technical skill set was.

Predictably, he asked to be transferred to technical support, since girls don't do tech support. He also needed to be handheld through an extremely easy upgrade that someone with an advanced skill set should have been able to handle. It took all my restraint not to mention, "I applied for a job with your department when I clerked at that place, but it worked out since I'm now the manager of a support department in a way better work environment." Or at the very least, "I applied for this job while on shift at the library."

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

warms my heart

a big wednesday shoutout to the lady in the nissan who rolled down her window and yelled across the three-way stop about how much she loved my sign (women for obama). she followed that up with a hearty thumbs-up.