Monday, November 20, 2006

I organize my CDs by distance from the sun.

I'm addicted to reading the McSweeney's page, all day, every day. It has consumed me, infecting every aspect of my being, as I find myself randomly trying to come up with articles to write. At red robin, on saturday night, as my sister sweetened her tea, I thought about an piece called "Things My 16 Year Old Daughter is Ideologically Opposed To," with sweetened tea being number 1. Then, while watching Encino Man and playing Sims, I thought of writing a piece called "Caveman's Attempts at Getting Published in McSweeney's." Right now, I am working on a piece that was inspired by a momentary remeberance of the Clint Eastwood movie, "In the Line of Fire."

Today's title was from a very funny piece on McSweeney's. The full text is here.

I haven't wanted anything this badly since I intended to meet NSync in Vegas in 1999, and I wanted that pretty damn bad. I hope I will survive the rejection. Since we got a new router, I haven't configured remote desktop correctly, and cannot, therefore, see my email. This means I can't see my rejection letter. I hope I survive.

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