Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cheese it! It's the cops

So, the nachoisms that I posted in July or something have been, behind my back, placed on their own blogger page and entered as a wikipedia article. Although I am pretty sure I’m not on my way to international celebrity, it does mean there is a greater paper trail that leads back to me. I think this means I will have to start tempering this site – no more veiled threats against the president and no discussing why I love grape Otter Pops because they remind me of when I was 7 and would fake any illness just to drink Dimetapp straight from the bottle, like a little 3rd grade Rush Limbaugh.

In the spirit of my new, milder posts, I would just like to say that I hate HATE lotioned tissues. They make your lips all greasy and odd feeling and you can’t even use them as a napkin substitute.

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