Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dignity is an important quality everyone should have

School is over, and, like Villi, I got a gift from a teacher. My Economics of Race and Gender’s teacher gave me an A-. I had expected a C, so imagine my surprise. Not only did she round up my 88.8 B, but she gave me credit for an assignment that I didn’t follow the directions on. I’ve always been old testament (fire and brimstone) when it comes to reading directions and following instructions, so I’m always slightly disappointed when I get away with something like this. If you fuck up, you should be smote down—without argument, without remorse. I feel like these allowances contribute to the general level of fuck-wittedness that runs rampant in today’s world. If everyone, including my teachers, were just a little more intolerant of stupid, careless mistakes, it may force everyone to be more cautious and conscientious. To use an analogy, I’m the dickhead in the LANE ENDS 1000 FEET lane, and my teacher is the car that let’s me over anyways. Part of me wishes she had refused to let me over.

But part of me is super stoked that I got the A.

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