Friday, May 11, 2007

No good deed

A few weeks ago I bought tickets for me and two co-workers to go see Wicked. I accidentally bought them for a Thursday matinée show, instead of the evening show, and so we go to play hooky from work for the afternoon and drink wine for lunch. It was a nice break in the week and there is something about riding public rail transportation to the theater that made me feel impossibly metropolitan. The entire process of waiting on the platform and holding the handrails and going to the theater made me feel more connected to my city and its inhabitants. It was weird.

The show was really good. The two leads were fantastic. It made me remember how much I love live theater and also made me realize how much I miss performing in live theater. As usually happens, I had a few minute fantasy where I dreamed of quitting my job and trying to make it as an actress. Thoughts of my bills, car payments, and rent brought me crashing back to Earth. The moment was short-lived. At the very least, the play will provide me something to belt in my car as I drive home every night.

Two thumbs up!

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