Thursday, November 02, 2006

This cocktail is bound for those showgirls

I just wanted everyone to know, well mostly Villi, that Gina Gershon was one of the backup dancers in the Patti Labelle video for New Attitude.

She is resplendent with her “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” ultra 80s haircut. I love Gina Gershon and love when she pops up in the most obscure places, like VH1 classic.

So jury duty is finally over. We finished deliberation today and turned in our decision. About 5 of my fellow jurors complimented me on both my ability to articulate and ability to remember details. In fact, it was the suggestion of 3 of the jurors that I go to law school, for which I demurely thanked them. While I was thinking how totally fucking awesome I am.

On Tuesday, I was ready to come home and say all sorts of nasty things about the jury process, but now, I am happy that I did it and I even forgive some of the faults of the other jurors, as I assume they had to do with me as well.

And, on the plus side, I only have to work one day this week.

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