Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lazy but hopeful

I need to start writing again. Really writing, not just posting updates to facebook. I’m getting that short attention span that Americans are famous for and find myself unable to read long magazine articles without my eyes jumping off the page from time to time. I blame this on the lack of real writing I have done since I graduated. I don’t regret the mental vacation I’ve taken in the last 7 months. Finishing my BA in 4 years while working full time took a lot out of me, and I was entitled to some down time. Now, I am feeling relatively recovered. It’s time to get back to better pursuits.

Writing more will be one of my new year’s resolutions, along with eating more vegetables and drinking less wine. I probably won’t create terribly quantitative resolutions; they’re too easy to break. Instead my resolutions will be more like guidelines, things to keep in mind when ordering food at a restaurant or deciding to play Gears of War 2 instead of finishing The Elegant Universe. I’m going to spend the rest of this week and all of the week after new year’s solidifying my resolutions and coming up with a plan. My resolutions won’t start on the first. I’m on vacation that whole week and will be as lazy and lowbrow as possible. I’m daring myself to get bored with the crap I’ve been reading and watching and listening to. We’ll see. So maybe, I’m back.

1 comment:

Leslie said...


Good luck. And happy staycation.