Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oui, c’est ça vous.

I have always marvelled (notice the defiant British spelling) at the idea that it took until Einstein for someone to formalize the theory that time is relative. One of the first conclusions you come to as a student, after summer or spring break, is how much faster that time goes than a week at school. I figure the slaves building the pyramids would have come to that conclusion. Although, maybe they didn’t have what I would consider leisure time to compare it to. They probably didn’t crack open a couple of Miller Lite’s at the end of the day and reflect on a good day hauling stones. All I know is that five minutes on the elliptical machine last night and five minutes snoozing this morning were not the same measure of time. Not even close.

No spiritual epiphanies this week. I am a task robot this week. I make a list and start checking it off: homework, housework, laundry, Christmas light removal. I am trying to get into a good place for spring break. I need to walk the dogs more and enjoy the sunlight. I hope you all can do the same.

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