Friday, August 03, 2007

The bullet train from Tokyo to Los Angeles

Final grades are nearly in. Two confirmed As, one very likely A. I'm quite proud of myself for getting good grades. One of the problems with online classes is that they tend to have running grade totals. A couple of times, I have got to the end of the semester seen that I have earned an 81% B and that is good enough for me. Not this semester--good for me.

Tonight the boss is taking the team to Tamayo for dinner. Haven't been there before, looking forward to giving it try and drinking lots of margaritas. That is the main appeal of the evening, margaritas.

We saw the Bourne Ultimatum last night at midnight, and considering, I am holding up pretty well. It was full of brooding Matt Damon and kick ass fight scenes. We will probably end up seeing it at least once more this weekend. Plus, David Strathairn is in the movie, in addition to being lots of fun to watch, he is one of my secret weapon's in 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon. I'm probably unbeatable now.

Everyone have a good weekend.

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