Friday, February 06, 2009

Pink slips

I just tempted the fates with the statement, “don’t I at least deserve this.” I should have been grateful that the axe didn’t fall on me today, and to ask, so soon, a favor of fortune was unwise.

I’m on my fifth vodka, trying to wash the distaste of today out of my mouth. It was unpleasant and made my hands shake. Worst of all it made me vulnerable; I hate that. I was betrayed by my red eyes and quivering voice. I prayed that I would make into my car before I wept. I did. I’ve been asking a lot in prayer today.

I have to hope that next week isn’t so bad. There will be a lot of ghosts in the office, and I am susceptible to haunting.


Leslie said...

:( good luck with this. It just all around sucks.

Nacho Enthusiast said...

Thank you.