Thursday, March 06, 2008

I barely have the strength to close the curtain

I have that itch under my skin right now. I always do reckless things when I get this itch. I cut my own hair, dye my hair, contemplate full sleeve tattoos, or spend disgusting amounts of money on things I don’t need. This itch manifests itself as a tightness in my chest. It seems to happen when my life is rigid and unyielding and unfun; I get inspired to do stupid crazy things to wake myself up. If I don’t shake off the doldrums, I will get stuck. I don’t want to be stuck.

My long-term plan for doldrums shaking includes more time for creative writing. Villi and I are thinking about collaborating on a book or a screenplay. I had a crazy idea of supplementing my income by writing e-book romance novels. I’ve been practicing my lurid prose and coming up with euphemisms for…stuff. We’ll see.

My short-term soul stimulus package will be a trip to the coach store. I have a coupon AND a gift certificate. I feel like pastels. It feels weird and a little bit wrong. Anyone up for a luxury goods run?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doooood! I'm all about "luxury goods"!!!!! (Wait, were the exclamation points supposed to go inside the quotation marks?)
