Tuesday, October 09, 2007

'cause I love the way you say good morning

UPDATE: For all you folks getting here from the lyric in the title, I thought I would help you out by pointing you to Ingrid Michaelson's site.

I sometimes kid myself that I am really handy. Mostly, I have just been lucky. Even my official toolbox doesn't really make me much more official. I should remember this more often when I take on weekend tasks. Turns out, I wasn't able to cut a foot of length off my curtain rod with my dremel. Instead, I ended up with some metal splinters in my hand and a two pieces of rod that no longer fit together. I had to buy a new one. In preparation for throwing away my ruined one, I started to bend it into pieces. After I bent the pieces, I decided I liked the way they fit together, so I stuck it on my wall.

The official tally for the final harvest is-

One large pumpkin
Three large zucchinis
One small pickling cucumber
One baby cantaloupe (unripe/inedible)

I started thinking about the sheer amount of stuff I have to do for thanksgiving and christmas and got sick. I feel like October 9th is too early in the year to be worrying about this, but I guess not.

That said, think I will go watch some more TV and ignore both homework and laundry. Happy Tuesday, all!

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