The blizzard of double aught six
Here in colorado, we are in the middle of a blizzard that is best illustrated through actual pictures. Rather than tell you that the the snow is up to the knee, I would rather show you pictures of my dogs, chest deep, barrelling through the snow, just to go pee. Rather than tell you that we seem to be suffering from a touch of cabin fever, which is hilarious if you know the sheer volume of crap we have to do here, I should be posting pictures of our cookie decorating contest. It was six rounds - five rounds of preliminary cookies and a best in show (even a ribbon was printed off.)
We were up at 3am on wednesday morning and it wasn't snowing at all. Everything seemed to be in perfect order, but by the time I got up at noon, the snow was already at about 4-6 inches, so we dug out room for one car to get to the street and hightailed it to the grocery store to make sure we had supplies to get us through the blizzard (otherwise we would have been eating oatmeal, couscous, and canned green beans for 2 days.) The store was a mess; you could tell everyone was in full panic mode, trying to not only get through the two days of snow, but to get their holiday baking done. There were 7 cartons of eggs left and they were mostly broken. People were mixing and matching their dozens, leaving cartons full of broken eggs in the dairy aisle. We got our food in our car and got home just fine, with only a few scary moments on the road. Since then, we have only been outside to clear a pissing area for the dogs and to walk them briefly in the tracks of the cars that had driven down our street.
I went to bed about 5 hours ago and woke up with a sore throat. It is this same cold I have been fighting for weeks now. I'm really quite done with it. It's still snowing outside; the weather guys said it wouldn't stop till midday today. What I would give to be in Palm Desert at Jessie's dad's wedding to Leslie.
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