Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You musn't forget how much light you bring

I was trying to start a post about the mosquito ringtone that only kids can hear and I wanted to use a song lyric for the title that talked about getting older. I chose a line from Tracy Bonham's Shine and then realized the beginning of this song would make a kick ass ring tone. Then, I started to think about all the people I gave my great Amelie ringtones to and I started to wonder about why I try to please people that I don't even really like. All in all, thinking about ringtones is making me deeply contemplative and a little sad about my life.

Anyhow, here is a link to the mosquito ring tone so you can see how old and crappy your hearing is. I was able to hear it without problem, but two of the guys I work with (younger than me I might add [and why would I say I might add, because I already did add it])could not hear it. I felt pretty young and vibrant at that point, ignoring the ache in my back and the creaking in my knees.


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