They're running the viper in reverse
I was unable to channel my inner Pauly Shore and get out of jury duty successfully. I am not permitted, by order of the guy to talk about the case specifically. I can say, generally, that it was the most boring 8 hours of my life. I sat on a jury like 8 years ago, when I was 18 or 19, and the defendant didn't have an attorney. He made a ton of procedural errors and I tried to keep my supreme annoyance about his wasting my time out of my mind when returning a guilty verdict; I probably failed.
And this is just part of why I am so ill-recommended for jury duty. I spent the whole day mentally finishing the sentences of the witnesses and the attorneys. During the recess, I felt nothing but contempt and annoyance for my fellow jurors, and I realized, at about 10 AM, that I would totally preferred going to work this week. Too late.
I just watched the season finale of Weeds. It was obviously building for the cliffhangers, so the dialogue was a lot weaker than normal. Isabelle, however, provided a truly hilarious scene referring to Lord Voldemort. I laughed for 2 straight minutes. I don't seem to be able to write in detail right now and I am going to attribute that to my extremely long day. That said, it's time for bed.