Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Like a polaroid picture...of a baby

Today, at work, when we weren't working, we were talking about the new ad campaign called 'Don't shake the baby,' at The site's purpose is obvious - don't shake your fucking baby - because they could get Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) and be permanently brain damaged. I have decided that "shake the baby" will be a euphemism for a short term solution that totally fucks things up in the long term. For example- "Yeah, well he got the left blinker on the car working, but screwed up the transmission in the process. He really shook the baby on that one."

Feel free to pass it on.

In shaker related news, I have to mention how much I hate the phrase 'shake it like a salt shaker.' It's a god-damned salt shaker; it's supposed to shake. I think it is the repetition of shaker in this phrase that makes me hate it so much.

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