Sunday, June 28, 2009

Acting...brilliant...thank you

I received the worst present ever on Valentine's Day. It was a book called Fearless Loving. My mom gave me a copy. It was my mom's way of saying, "I thought you might need some help not becoming a spinster." I donated my copy, unread, to the library. Even if I was a reader of self-help books, the stigma attached to that particular title was too much for me to ignore. As a rule, I think it is a bad idea to give anyone a self-help book unless they ask for it. Otherwise, it just seems like passive-aggressive judgment on their lives. I think we get enough unsolicited judgment from other outlets. When presed, though, I do recommend Cathryn Michon's The Grrl Genius Guide to Life. The book contains her funny stories lightly spun to be helpful advice, so I think the book is mostly just amusing. The premise behind the book, however, is important.

She points out that men are quick to call themselves geniuses for anything. "I'm a genius at the grill." "You should see me parallel park; it's genius." Women tend to demure and downplay their accomplishments. Her big lesson in the book is learning to talk yourself up, no matter how small or silly the achievement. It's a guide to self-aggrandizement. I think it is a great lesson for all women to learn.

With that in mind, I am going to say that my mediaserver is the most genius thing ever. Not only is it the first computer I built from scratch, but now that I have a working hi-def dvr on the machine, it is truly a thing of beauty. I'm just a blu-ray burner away from a lucrative piracy business on ebay.

I encourage all the girls and women out there to call themselves a genius at something today. Anything. It feels fantastic.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Managed to come back from vacation both sick and tired

My vacation was not terribly relaxing.  First, it is nigh impossible to travel with your family for any extended time without wanting to murder them.  This trip was no exception.  I think, finally, I have learned my lesson.


I’d like to say that I am more likely to post now, but I came with a story idea last night and want to develop that. In addition, my sister and I fitted up our music room yesterday.  Time to start using all those shiny and costly instruments.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wretched news on the work front

When valuable employees leave, it is sad.  Now I have to hire again.